5 Provide instant feedback

As enrollments in statistics and data science courses grow and as these courses become more computational, educators are faced with an interesting challenge – providing timely and meaningful feedback, particularly with online delivery of courses. The simplest solution is using assignments that are easier to auto-grade, e.g. multiple-choice questions, simplistic coding exercises, but it is impossible to assess mastery of the entire data science cycle using only these types of exercises. In this talk I will discuss writing effective learnr exercises, providing useful and motivating feedback with gradethis, distributing them at scale online and as an R package, and collecting student data for formative assessment with learnrhash.

5.1 Slides

To view the slides in full screen, click on the slides and then hit F on your keyboard.

5.2 Your turn

You have 15 minutes for this activity.

  1. Start the assignment titled 05 - Penguins tutorial on RStudio Cloud.

  2. Complete the task under Multiple choice questions

    • See help for ?question() and ?quiz() and don’t hesitate to call for help!
  3. Complete the task under Code exercises by writing more hints and code checking tests

You will use RStudio Cloud for these exercises. Click here to join or access the RStudio Cloud workspace for this workshop.

5.3 More resources

Feedback at scale from rstudio::global(2021)

Tutorials in the dsbox package