7 Define and pronounce

What is a floating point? What is a double? How do you say %>% out loud? How do you pronounce POSIXct? Answers to some of these might seem obvious to you, but may not be obvious to a new learner.

7.1 Slides

To view the slides in full screen, click on the slides and then hit F on your keyboard.

7.2 Your turn

You have 5 minutes for this activity.

  1. Read the following code chunks out loud. As a group, try to come to an agreement on how to pronounce everything you see on the screen.

aggregate(penguins[, 3], list(penguins$species), median, na.rm = TRUE)
##     Group.1 bill_length_mm
## 1    Adelie          38.80
## 2 Chinstrap          49.55
## 3    Gentoo          47.30

penguins %>%
  group_by(species) %>%
  summarise(median_bl = median(bill_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE))
[90m# A tibble: 3 x 2
##   species   median_bl
[39m Adelie         38.8
[39m Chinstrap      49.6
[39m Gentoo         47.3
  1. Think back to when you first started learning R… What is an R (or general programming) related term that wasn’t clear to you but your instructor, book, documentation, etc. assumed familiarity with it?

7.3 More resources

Speaking R by Amelia McNamara

Explicit Direct Instruction in Programming Education by Felienne

glosario - an open source glossary of terms used in data science that is available online and also as a library in both R and Python.